Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Living Issues

Im currently struggling to live within the micro home when the conveniences of a larger home are so close. This sounds silly, and upsets me to write (as I do really enjoy living in the micro home), but for a few fundamental reasons I seem to be spending more time in the bigger, normal house.
I think primarily because my partner lives in the larger house, and is a little reluctant to spend time in the smaller building (understandable as its my project not hers, and unfair that I should rope her into it more than I already have) I spend more time around her in spaces which we can comfortably share. The space within the mirco building is obviously smaller, and less comfortable for two people to occupy.
The space it self is adaptable, but difficult to adapt for two, especially when we are required to do quite different tasks, with different requirements. It also becomes difficult to step between different tasks (ie. the act of going from studying to making a tea or coffee which is simple and easy in the larger house, becomes more challenging in the smaller one as the preparation space and other occupy-able spaces almost play-off each other, and a reorganisation of objects is generally required) and to multitask efficiently.
Another issue which I have identified, and commented on is the lack of a fridge within the smaller building. I coped perfectly well in my last location by just using an esky, however when a fridge is present (as in the large house) I use it, without remorse. Esky's are high maintenance, less effective, smaller, and generally keep food worse than fridges.
Its difficult to explain why I seem to spend more time in the larger house, and every reason I think of could equally be said of the smaller house (ie. everything is grouped together and is convenient, which can be said for both, yet is different through experience).
I am now considering moving to a different location within Launceston to distance myself from the conveniences of 'big house living' and have a few possible sites.
While I dont really want to admit that moving to my current location has been a failure, it has been, and I think that moving to a different location would better provide for my requirements at this stage.

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