Friday, February 19, 2010

Transport Success

Yesterday proved a great day for transporting small buildings, with the journey going ahead without serious drama.I was particularly busy in the morning and as such was unable to take before and after transportation photos (I was busy in St Helens and returned to the building after the truck driver and his assistant had arrived), or install a pin to secure the bathroom door.Subsequently during transport the bathroom door came off its runner and will need repair. This is frustrating, as the assumption would be that a door designed for a transportable building would be designed accordingly, however instead the building had a sliding door with no method of fixing its position - probably the least suitable solution.
Another observation was the difficulty that
reversing it into a backyard presents, given the building was design for this application. The truck which we used to move the building was quite long and found it nearly impossible to navigate the building (in reverse) into a normal sized driveway.
However once on site the building was easy to setup and prepare by myself, and given the location is fairly level, took little time. I am yet the solve my privacy issues, and at this stage am just being more cautious of my movements.

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