Friday, February 19, 2010

New Site

I am now settled into the new location and happily sited.
I am yet to address my privacy issues, but am living around them at the moment. I am also yet to fix the plumbing, or the bathroom door. The building travelled well, and apart from the door, and getting the building into (once in it was relatively easy to navigate) the driveway all went without drama.
I guess it needs to be said that the building doesnt really blend into its new setting, and has draw some attention to itself. This has mostly been in the way of young school children, who have excitedly labeled it a 'big cubby'. I should also mention that the convenience of a nearby fridge has resulted in me not yet using the esky. This is perhaps cheating, but I feel that I have already investigated this side of living in the building and that my primary goals relating to this new site focus on how my changing circumstances affect how I use the building spatially.
The new site is in a residential area, despite backing onto a small paddock and contrasts strongly with its previous site. I have been instantly more aware of security and privacy, and really miss the connection that I previously shared with the old site. At this stage I feel that this particular model of housing (micro) is definitely more geared towards rural, and perhaps more isolated applications. I am also more reluctant to use the deck and to leave the door open when Im indoors.

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